Wednesday, December 30, 2009

So long, 2009

What a dismal ending to the decade: mass unemployment, lost benefits, winnowed savings, dying publications, resurgent terrorist threats. When I step outside, the bite of the cold wind seems too cinematic to be real. But, of course, December always brings that bite, in good years and bad ones. And it's nearly time to look back on the year -- and on the decade -- and remember the best of it. Feel free to share your bests, too. We're all in this together.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, how's it going? Your list isn't going to be all doom metal and Jandek, is it? Here's mine, since you invited:

I finally got that Raveonettes from the library. It's pretty good--not sure it would've displaced U2 on my albums list, but still worth hearing over and over. (They need a drummer, though.) And I totally forgot about "Bang!" when doing my singles list, but since it wasn't officially released I don't feel so bad.

Looking forward to seeing your best-ofs.